Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Three Three Three

Ok i got a tag from Leo... And I'm gonna please him by doing something immediately...
Here goes..

My Famous 3 Names:
Priya Vinay
Kutty (thts cos of my size)

3 things that scare me:
Losing people close to me
More cockroaches

3 things which make me smile
being kissed on my cheek
getting roses
watching the finished attempt of my friend's artwork make-up on my face(happens a lot. I've learned to smile now :) )

3 things i Love
My scooty pep
my tata photon modem(My boredom killer machine)

3 Things I hate
Bad hair days
People frowning
Being away from home

3 Things I don't understand
Why whom we marry is decided by a group of people other than the people who have to get married?
Why people don't believe in aliens?
Why I'm like what I am :)

3 Things I'm doing right now
Getting updates from a function that happened today at workplace
Doing this tag (DUH!)
Helping ma select a saree to work tommorow

3 Things I can't do
Wait for a person to finish talking
Not fight
Not write

3 Things I think you should listen to
Your heart
Mom - I hate to admit this but - Moms are always right when it comes to us.

3 shows I watched as a kid
Jungle book (jungle jungle patha chala haia chadi pehen ke phool khila hai :))
Fantastic Four
Woody Woodpecker

3 things I want in a Relationship
His effort

3 things appeal to me from the opposite sex
How much they make me smile
How easy going they are
How they are ready to do anything anytime

3 favorite fictious characters
Sherlock Holmes
Caption Jack Sparrow
Edward (twilight)

3 of my favorite hobbies
Singing for no reason
Troubling mom

3beverages i drink regularly
Orange juice
Salted lemon Soda

3 things I love about myself
How easily i get disracted (Easy to make me forget why I get angry)
My eyes
I'm very clean and organized (for people who watch FRIENDS - I'm monica)

3 Things I hate about myself
I look like a school girl (and i'm 22. I'm sick and tired of people minimum 5 years younger than me calling me cute)
I'm restless
I tend to be controlling

3 things I'm wearing right now:
My favorite black tee.
My age old skirt
and my specs

2truths and a lie
I'm head over heals in love
My haircut looks bad (I did that to myself)
I hate my haircut (This is the lie)

3 people i wanna pass this on to
GV - high time u wrote something..

Monday, June 7, 2010

Flying to Fall...

Light enveloped me.
I basked in my triumph.
I had made it out of the pain,
that was to be.

I unrolled my wings,
And took off into the sky.
Besides me was my love,
Making me fly high.

Happiness took me higher,
His presence made me lighter.
He pushed me further into the light,
So much, that reality was out of sight.

He pushed me higher,
Higher into the sun.
It scorched my feathers,
The pain could not be undone.

Conscious of my ache,
He pushed me further into the sky.
Oblivious to his lie,
I hid my pain, and smiled fake.

All my feathers burned,
Of his deceit I then learnt.
I fell, with a cry, pleading for help,
His job was done, in joy he yelped.

Tears of anger, decorated my face,
The fall ended, there was an abrupt stop.
But I fell, fell deeper,
Entwined by death's reaper,
The glowing light still on top.

PS: This is my 50th blog post YAY!!!! Thanks to all for being there for me :)
Pic Courtesy -