Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 10 - Call of Death

I opened my eyes to darkness...

Everything was still. Everything was silent, except for the faint sound of the wind outside.
Time wrapped her hands around my neck. I struggled to breathe, I fought the suffocation. The pain vanished. Darkness prevailed and I lapsed into a trance....

I opened my eyes to light...
A pair of eyes looked at me.
Such warmth in them, such fathoms deep love.
And those tears in them looked so beautiful. They were smiling and cring at the same time. I smiled back.
Rush of light... More eyes, more smiles... none felt familiar. I started to cry. Warmth found me again. "Hush", ma said, and hush I did. I closed my eyes, falling back into a stupor....

I opened my eyes to darkness...
Time was waiting, to apparate me to another place... I felt a slight push. I felt something boiling inside me. I felt rebellion. I felt black.

I opened my eyes to light...
The same eyes again. Not holding me but watching me. Fathoms deep love still present. I saw hurt this time. Tears but smiles were still there... So sad, yet so beautiful. I felt heavy with guilt. "You are growing up. You need space too.", ma said. I avoided the eyes. Heavier than before, I happily let time choke me again.

I opened my eyes to darkness...
Time was still there, rushing me off to another dimension. This time, pain seared through my body.. I tried to scream, the agony unbearable... I passed out again...

I opened my eyes to light...
White light... Pain persisted. Unable to move I cried out silently. The eyes again. Hurt, fear, happiness, relief and anger flashed all at the same time. The eyes softened. "You are a brave girl. And you are all better now. Rest now love", ma said. Hands of time carressed me, as I blacked out again.

I opened my eyes to darkness...
Sweating, scared and confused. I called out. I called out again...
Light killed the darkness, blinding me.
I cried, and hands grabbed me gently...
I opened my eyes, to those eyes.
Fear, concern and confusion evident in them. I cried even more, falling into her arms...
"Hush", ma said. And hush I did. I closed my eyes to the warmth of death….


Anonymous said...

oooh.. this was sad.. creepy sad!!

Soin said...

ithu varaikum yezhuthinathula ur better

Priya Vinay said...

4 leo..
I can get all dark sometimes...

Priya Vinay said...

4 soin..
feel panni eluthina ipdi than...

meow said...

was this d day when you had fever?
its quite common dat tym with a running nose too :(

Vishnu said...

wow.. gethu post.. n nice title..
although i've heard these lines in some song..
"Light killed the darkness, blinding me"

Priya Vinay said...

4 aru...
yes aru :) fever delirium :)

4 vish...
Thanks dude :)
I did not lift the line, just to clarify... :)