Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 5 - Operation Scare-the-Little Freak

The kalyana chatram was now empty and operation clean-up was going on and all of us were required to help. Since I'd slept all morning I got the night shift along with three of my cousins (1 sister and 2 brothers fyi).
We did not get around to doing much cleaning since by 11 'o' clock we had managed to only throw things at each other and become tired. Settling down in the chatram itself for the night, my brothers and I hatched an evil plan.

We were talking about how, when my little sister was born, we were required to baby-sit her and she was never co-operative (she always used to pee on us). As she got older, we took revenge on her by locking her up in a room all alone, running away while we played hide-n-seek and she always ended up finding us immersed in some other game in a remote place, threatening her to dance or we would lock her up with the ghost in the bathroom (which was usually one of my brothers draped in white sheets). Sigh! those days.
[Do you think this is why she created an aversion to the very sight of us?]

Well, last night, she was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful, we could not tolerate it.
[ Let me call my brothers Kanaku Pulla and Vaathi (One is a B.Com student and the other is a Lecturer in a college, I know we never grow up).]
Kanaku had a brainwave and we decided to relive the old days. :D Even though Vaathi was acting all against, we managed to pull him on to our side.

Operation Scare-the- Little Freak was set rolling.

Scene : A room in the chatram, dimly lighted by a 0 watt bulb.

Vaathi: Ammu, wake up, Pri is missing.
[ammu wakes up all groggy]
Ammu: Is that why the room is silent? She must be in the loo or something.
[my dear sis takes a stab at me even when half asleep]
Vaathi: Illa di. Something is wrong, we came up together but she is missing. Come help me look for her.
[my sis agrees reluctantly]
[Both carry a torch and start looking around. My sis is such a wit, not once she thought of switching on the lights (exactly like we were hoping - or the whole plan booos)]
[Vaathi and sis marching in the dark looking for me]
Ammu: Are you sure she would've come here? I dont like this place. Its so eerie at night.
[turns back to realise that its not vaathi but kanaku standing there]
Ammu: AYE! When did you come?
Kanaku: Yenna di? Gone mad? I only woke you up and brought you here.
Ammu: Aye you people are playing with me again. I'm going back.
Kanaku: Fine go alone. If they find you dead tomorrow morning, I wont be responsible for it. Pri is missing already.
[Ammu is visibly confused, teary and angry at the same time]
Ammu: But I'm sure it was Vaathi who came with me.
Kanaku: SSHHH!!!!! do you hear that?
[Ammu breaks into a sweat]
Ammu: What?
Kanaku: ssshh!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN...

[JHAL JHAL JHAL... sound of chalangai.]

[Ammu is paralysed]
Ammu: Its behind me no???? YENAKU PINNADI THAANE IRUKU????
[I'm standing behind Ammu with face painted in sunnambu holding a flashlight below my chin (its off - climax cue is yet to come]
Kanaku: Illa di loose. If you want turn around and see.
[Ammu rotates slowly rooted to the spot and that my cue]
[Tak! The torch is on]
[Ammu sees me emits a high pitched scream and starts running around the hall. Vaaathi switches on the light! and Ammu sees us three rolling on the floor laughing so hard!]

Well the aftermath: She complained (tattle-tale) to anybody who would listen. We were heartily congratulated by our other cousins, who deeply enjoyed the blow-by-blow of the incident. The parents punished us in a really silly way by giving us chores to do (We caught them laughing about it in private). It felt refreshingly good.

PS: Avaloda saabamo yenaamo I don't know I'm down with fever today.
PPS: Thanks to my new chalangai type golusu (anklet) which has earned me a new nick-name Mohini Pisasu.
PPPS: I'd like to clear a mis-conception by mentioning that Mohini was not a pisasu but the female form taken by Vishnu (not the blogger guy) during the Kurma (pronuounce "KOORMA" not as in chapathi side-dish) avtar, to distribute amritham to the devas (who are always helpless despite their powers)
PPPPS: I'm nowhere near dismantling adulthood, judging by the way I've been behaving since this blog was created. I'm now considering re-naming the blog "Climbing Up and Down the Ladder of Time". Tell me your views on that and also why my sister hates me - I'd like to know :) :)


Soin said...

we attempted something like this in my mama kalayanam.skipping the end point of that was a sis with a fractured arm,a bloody me with my front two teeth missing.. and no one with any explanation.. veetla sema archanai..mohini?? so u r now qualified to act in "mein namitha sappai banana chathi hoon"

Priya Vinay said...

my sis breaks her arm every two months w/o my help anyway.. my job is to only mentally torment her...
and about the namitha part - nee mattum ippo kaila kedeche....

Anonymous said...

lol :D

ur not mohini pisasu :P no ways! :D

and yeah, new name sounds really nice! :D

Vishnu said...

rofl.. btw what does ur sis do?? 7 th standard?? lol@ vaathi n kanaku pulla.. chandramukhi would have been a better name.. lol..
n i think its very tuf to find out y ur sister hates u.. u might hav to do a psychosocial analysis to find out.. (sweet smell of sarcasm..)
the sarcasm smell has gone.. nw..
the blogger guy seems to be way more cool than the stupid guy who changes his appearance like mystique so that old pattis and thathas can bore their children with silly stories.. free..
late ah vandhalum latest ah varuvom la..

Priya Vinay said...

4 leo...

u are the onll person who says tht :) :) thanks

4 vish...
my sis is in 1st yr BBA... :D since we've been doing this to her since she was born she has suffered intense brain damage :D
chandramukhi sounds good too :)
Agreed u r way cooler, can u please stop referring to Maha Vishnu as guy!!!! and the stories are not boring!!! not that much atleast :) :)

Amity said...

what did you do? frighten your li's sis whose in deep slumber? how dare you Pri?

though i enjoyed reading your post, i disliked what you did to your poor li's sissy.

if i were her, i'd be cursing you to you know what...!

nice narration Pri! but you're getting back to childhood antics!


Priya Vinay said...

4 amity...
I couldn't help it!!!!! She looked so peaceful, my brothers and I just had to pick on her.. It had been so so so long since we'd behaved like ourselves!!

Vishnu said...

1st year bba va.. kashtam.. how come 2 totally different sisters??
bless those genetic mutations.. lol..

we dunno wat lord vishnu is?? so better than considering him as some animal.. human form is better.. and stories are not boring.. even i liked them.. what would i've done without criticisin them.. ;).. free..

Priya Vinay said...

AIYE!!!!! she ain't my own sis (Thank god and my parents for that!!) she's my chitta's daughter. we were a joint family once, hence so close(so very close :D)
agreed we dunno what LordVishnu is... human form is better also agreed... but still, guy??? :P